We ran pattern 9. We walked in the arena and faced down ring. I loped in off and he waited on me through the entire run down gradually gaining speed past center and stopped perfectly. Then he backed up quickly and straight on a loose rain. One judge gave us a +1 (only our 2nd full point + ever!) and the other a +1/2 for the maneuvers. We paused for a moment then completed our turns to the right. They were smooth and rhythmic getting us a 0 from both judges. Then the turns to the left were good too, but a little sticky. One judge gave us a 0 and the other -1/2. Turns are really hard for Breezy so I felt good about how we did. Then we loped off to left and completed a small-slow circle to the left. Breezy felt dialed in so I loosened my reins as we moved out into our large-fast circles. But, as we passed the gate he bolted all the sudden and swapped out behind for a stride giving us a 1 point penalty from each judge. Johnette and I still have no idea why he did that. But, then he dialed back in and stayed steady the rest of the pattern. After our 2 large-fast circles we came down to a slow speed, changed leads, and completed a small-slow circle to the right. He didn't change leads at the 1st ask, but I remained calm and just nudged him a little harder and he changed right over. Then out to big and fast. He felt really good again so I loosened my reins to show him off. Changed leads well and prepared to go into our 1st run down. As we came around the corner he got a bit strong and didn't really wait on me before increasing his speed, but when it was time to stop be pushed as hard as he could and both judges rewarded us to +1/2. Then another +1/2 on the 2nd stop from both. As we headed down for our last stop breezy got really strong, but I made him wait and build gradually. We were rewarded with another +1/2 from one judge and a +1 from the other! So we walked away with 2 blue ribbons for the day and a Reserve Circuit Championship!
And just imagine....if we hadn't had that random 1 point penalty in the left circles we would have been at a 72 & 72 1/2!!!!
Breezy & I with our blue ribbons!
Our barn mates Maria & Harry with their ribbons
Go Team Burman!!!
Kristin I am very proud of the way you never ever give up. Breezy isn't a push button horse and needs your help to get the job done. Really don't know how far he can go in this world of championship reiners but so far you are asking him to improve in each show and he is answering. If anyone can get'r done, you can. The love, patience and tenderness you give Breezy is paying off in the ring! You go girl! xo mom
Congratulations Kristin!
Yee Haw! That is awesome - you go girl. Love the pics too.
Nick and I are so proud of you and so very excited. Hope to see a show up close and personal soon.
We are soooo proud of you!
What do you get to buy???:-)
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