Saturday, February 18, 2006

And The Rain Rain Went Away!

So resigned that I would not be able to ride I decided to drive down to HB and visit Breezy anyways. And when I got to HB it was sunny and beautiful with hardly any puddles. And as I drove by the arena everyone was riding just like normal. YEAHHHH. So I guess it didn't rain very hard there and I got to have my Saturday morning ride as usual!!! But, actually it was much better than usual. Rick had really worked hard with Breezy all week and fixed some issues. The circles were great and he came back practically perfectly every time with very little effort on my part. Then the turn arounds were great and the run downs were awesome. Last week I felt like I was having to work so hard to hold things together and if I made a mistake than everything would fall apart. Which totally stresses my out since in combat condition in the show pen with all the adrenaline flowing it is likely that I may not ride just perfectly. It has been so long since I have been in the show pen and feeling like I have to be perfect really stresses me out. So Rick really worked with Breezy to make him easier for me to ride, but with specific things that I can do incase everything starts to fall apart to be able to hold it together. This probably doesn't make much sense... But, let's just say I had a good ride.

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