Sunday, May 22, 2005

I'm Back! well, closer anyways....

Yesterday morning I arrived at the stables at 7:45am. And to my surprise and delight, Rick assigned me to ride the same horse I rode last week. However, this time I could steer! In fact, I was like a new person. Still not back 100%, more like 65.3%. But, I had sooooo much fun! I got to stop and spin and to big/fast and small/slow circles. REALLY FUN!!!!

About the time I was getting off my mom and Wendy showed up. I stuck around to watch Wendy ride and took a few pictures.

Rick spinning.
Opps, I was a little slow on the draw. Still getting used to the timing.

Wendy doing a big/fast circle

Wendy and Rick



The very sweet and talented horse I rode drying in her stall after her bath

My boot


Unknown said...

"About the time I was getting off my mom..."

what were you doing on your mom?

cool shot of the boot. you'll have to let me know when you're going to be riding one of these days so i can come out and do some photography.

Kristin said...

It should have read..."About the time I was getting off, my mom..."

That would be so awesome!!! Right now it is kinda hit and miss. I am calling Friday mornings to see if Rick will have anything for me to ride on Saturday. I typically just get a "yes" or "no" answer. So I never know if I will be riding something super fun or just some random horse. Once I get my own horse it would be so rad if you would come take pictures!!! I would totally frame them!