Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Story Time

So I really haven't been doing too many exciting and blog worthy things in this new year yet so I am going to tell you a story.

One time at band camp...Just Kidding.

Okay, for reals this time.

Once upon a time a few years ago it was the middle of the night I awoke and realized that I had a huge wad of Dave's flesh from his side pinched between my fingers. Dave must have had the same realization because he asked, "What are you doing!?” I was still rather groggy and obviously not thinking clearly. Thus, I decided to lie. I replied in the most precious voice I could muster, "sleeping". However, I neglected to actually release my grip. This little detail must have cast some shadow of doubt since Dave grabbed my hand and flung it away from him. At this point I was pretty much awake and hysterical laughter took over.

This story makes me laugh every time and I have told it a lot. It is so funny to think that in my only partially conscious state my first response was to lie!

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