Sunday, January 02, 2005

New Year's Eve

I had a wonderful New Year's Eve! Dave and I went over to Mike and Karen's house for dinner. Then just as we finished up dinner, Eric and Natalie came over. We played a record 3.5 hour game of Cities and Knights ending with Dave as the victor. It was actaully a really close game with all of us within 3 points of each other until Dave pulled out 3 points on his last turn for the win. It was a very exahusting game. After a brief rest we broke out The Newly Wed Game. Dave and I, being the perfect couple, took the lead. Natlie and Eric really came on strong at the end. I am actaully not sure who ended up winning. It ended up being a really fun night with some awesome friends!

Playing Cities & Knights:

At midnight!

Sam wants a kiss too!


Unknown said...

we must be an old married couple...

i was asleep before midnight and smsmh stayed up watching 'steel magnolias'.

glad you guys had so much fun! it was great spending new years day with all of you.

Kristin said...

Yeh, we enjoyed hanging out with you guy on New Year's Day too!