Wednesday, January 12, 2005

A Fun and Relaxing Weekend

Saturday morning I slept in until 11am! It was wonderful! Then Karen called and we decided to go for a walk in the rain while Dave worked on his "water wall" in the garage. Karen and Sam (her lab) picked me up. We hicked for a couple of hours in the canyon behind our house. It was so green and beautiful. There is usually a little stream down there, but that day it was more like a roaring rapid. We hiked up and down it and just enjoyed the beauty. It was great to be outside in the rain and to spend the time with a great friend. Then we went back home to get cleaned up. Dave and I had lunch together. Then I headed over to Karen's house for some quality game time. We had 2 exciting games of Cities and Knight; each of us winning a game. Then Dave came over to eat dinner with us and we all played Sequence. We each won a game, but I can't remember who won the championship game. Then Dave went back home to play X-Box and Karen and I watched a movie.

Sunday PJ decided that sleeping in was not an option. I gave in to her pleeding and went down stairs with her. She and I snuggled on the sofa while watching "Cinderella Story" so that Dave could continue sleeping. We both really liked the movie. Dave finally came down stairs just in time to see the last few minutes of the movie and saw one of his friends from college in the background of the last scene. So then we had to watch the whole movie again to see if we could spy is friend in any other parts of the movie. We couldn't. Then Dave went to work on his "water wall" and I headed to the mall. Oh the sales! I got a skirt at AE for onlt $4.99! Then off to church, to dinner, and then to bed.

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