Monday, September 27, 2004

The Neighborhood Potluck was a HIT!!!

We were a little worried at first though. At 7:10pm the Cleary's had arrived, but no neighbors. So we left the front door open so it would look more inviting and the next thing we knew there were 15-20 neighbors in our house! It was awesome. There were so many people that it was difficult to really get to know everyone. I definitely felt a little awkward at times, but it was so reassuring to have Mike, Karen, and Straty there with us. In fact, the night ended with me over at our next door neighbors house having a glass of wine with another neighbor and Mike, Karen, and Cathy in a house across the street. I feel like we have really made some connections and am excited to pursue these relationships. Thanks Troy and Jenny Hadj for giving us the extra push :o)

Oh yeah, and the neighbor that was putting the notes on our cars for parking in front of their house was there. We found out that she didn't even know anything about it. It was her teenage niece that was doing it and just signing her aunts name. Can you believe that!?!?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Kristin,

Your mom gave me the link to your blog. Now at least I know what they are, thanks!
Fun to read and learn a bit more about someone I have known for quite a while... and your neighborhood party, though it was some time ago, sounds like such a nice, old-fashioned thing to do... your one evening of effort and trepidation have probably made your neighborhood nicer for everyone there, not just you and Dave- what a nice thing you did.

Hope your New Year is filled with wonderful things, people who love you, and personal growth. Spiritual, I mean, not in the waist or, heaven forbid, chap thighs!

Hobby New Year,