Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Finals

Well, tonight is the night of the finals. It starts at 7pm CST with the finals of Heading and then the Finals for Heeling. And then Reining. I, of course, drew up 1st (seems like a always have bad luck when it comes to draws, but as long as I have good luck in the show pen, who cares!). So I think I'll show between 8pm and 9pm CST if you want to watch along on the web feed.

I woke up this morning feeling a bit nervous - at least my body is telling me so much. I am hoping that goes away over the course of the day. Really I am just excited to be in the finals and whatever happens tonight the whole thing is just a dream come true. Worst case scenario tonight is that I don't make top 10 and walk out of the arena a World Show Finalist with a vest with "Finalist" patch, a World Show Finalist ribbon, and a World Show medallion. And that actually sounds wonderful to me and beyond expectation.


ellen b. said...

Go get em Kristin!!

lori said...

The anticipation is always more nerve racking that the actual event. Once you start, I'm sure that any nervousness will disappear. Just have an awesome time Kristin and I will keep you in my prayers today!

Anonymous said...

I watched all the goes in the class babe and you looked GOOD. Breeze Man didn't do his best but all in all, you rode like a top ten finalist even if you weren't one. If they had a score for the rider as well as the horse, you would kick some serious BUTT! You looked BEAUTIFUL, GRACEFUL and Full of Confidence.