Monday, November 14, 2005


This morning I woke up with an extra strong sense of gratitude and thankfulness. I have been so blessed in so many areas of my life, but one in particular stood out to me this morning.

Since I was seven I have had this crazy dream of showing horses. I wanted to be the best, which in my mind was winning a world championship. As I became an adult the dream was refined but certainly didn't die. However, as I got older and the realities of life (money, work, time, ect) became more apparent my dream seemed less and less likely. But, still the passion never subsided. There were many times that I almost just gave up the hope of it and resigned myself to never being able to afford it. And now here I am 28 years old and I am living my dream! I know that not everyone is given the opportunities to live their wildest dreams, but I have been. WOW, sometimes I have to pinch myself. (And what an amazing husband I have to desire invest in MY dreams!)


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