Monday, November 22, 2004

It's the Little Things

Have you ever noticed that it is some of the simplest gestures that make you feel the most loved?

So this doesn't sound like much, but it is one of those "little" things that makes true love so amazing. Dave just got home from work. Yes, it is after 10:30pm and he just got home. I guess a server went down or something; who can really understand computer talk anyways? Though it is obvious that he has had a long stressful day. When he gets home I am already in bed just catching up on reading a few of my favorite blogs. I mention to him that my knee is hurting again. Then he turns around, after just reaching the bedroom only minutes ago and goes back down stairs and returns a few minutes later with my heating bag all warm and cozy for my knee. What a thoughtful wonderful husband!!!!

It is funny how a gift of a trip down stairs when your knee hurts can be more precious than some crazy expensive gift.


Unknown said...

he never brings ME a heating bag when MY knee hurts.


Anonymous said...

What can I say, I love my wife.

Jeff, maybe your knees would not hurt so bad if you stopped going for ridiculously long runs in the middle of the Desert with your forerunner 201...