Tuesday, June 27, 2006


A lot of stuff has been going on lately that just isn't capturable with the camera, but for some reason I just haven't wanted to blog about it. Not sure why. I just keep posting the pics and ignoring the "stuff".

I still don't really feel ready to unpack everything, but here are the headlines so you know what I am talking about:

"SCU Has Completed it's Journey"

"House For Sale"

"After Very Little Foot Traffic, House In Escrow!"

"After 3 Days in Escrow....House For Sale, AGAIN"

"PCHA Los Sorranos Horse Show: Breezy Lena has too much fun while showing & owner/rider is seeking a humane glue factory"

How do I feel about all this you ask...I don't know. I just know I don't feel like writing about it right now.

< This brief interlude of surfacy thought has been brought to you by guilt. You may now return to your regular scheduled picture programming. >


Anonymous said...

Is SCU church?
Where do you want to move?
Breezy isn't a serious horse?
We need a new BBQ...what's a good reliable one to buy?
love, Ellen B.

Kristin said...

To anwer Ellen's "Questions"


Don't know

yes, but there may be a little sarcasm involved in my statment

Barbeques Galore, ofcourse!