I really feel that this is the best for us. As Johnette says, "too much has been said that can not be unsaid" between us. It's just time for both of us to move on. I want to show and learning and get better. He really prefers to take care of rookie riders and resents being pushed really hard. We just want different things now. I just know that his new owner will fall in love with him has I have.

- The way he would nicker at me when I'd call his name
- His 2 favorite treats - baby carrots and vanilla wafers
- How he loved hugs (even when he's grumpy he can't help but put his ears up when I'd give him a big hug around his neck)
- The way he would stair and nicker at me when I'd leave him. Most of the time I'd get half way to the car and have to go back to give him another hug.
- His warm breath on my neck while he'd nuzzle in my hair
- The way people would gasp as he'd charge down the arena with his classic both that he only does for me for some reason I'm sure I'll never understand
- Winning my 1st bronze on him
- Sitting on his back under the Gateway of Champions before galloping in the arena at the AQHA World Championships