Jesus, my Lord and Savior
my husband
my family
my many lovely friends
my sister-in-law that is really more of sister
my job and the opportunities I have had this year for growth
the opportunity to live out my reining dreams
the amazing 2 week vacation we had in Mexico this year
having in-laws that I love and love me back
my loving and supportive Mommy
Dave’s gorgeous extended family
our community group
freedom & joy
the luxuries we are lucky to afford
the ability to find beauty in most things and people
my gifts and talents
crackling fires and snuggly blankets
God’s splendid creation (with the exception of spiders, of course)
french fries & pizza
our good health, inspite of french fries & pizza
our kitties
my new saddle
digital photography
roasted marshmallows
my new ring
...just to list a few