Saturday, August 25, 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
Here’s how it goes, grab 5 coins out of your pocket, purse, couch cushion or wherever it is you keep your loose change. You have to have ten uniquely dated coins, so if you get a duplicate, pull out another until you have ten unique dates. Next, tell your readers a little about YOU the year that the coin was minted.
1981 I was 4 years old. My parent were recently divorced. My mom & I were living with a friend she worked with, Lila. Lila owned a horse and would let me ride with her in front of the saddle. I even got to show in little local show while she lead the horse around. My grandma even made me little western outfits to show in that I still have. One might think that it was from Lila that my love of horses was seeded, however some how I was already enthralled with them before meeting her.
1989 Now 12 years old and in the 5th and 6th grades. I remember really liking the 5th grade. I had a great group of friends. My best friend was Sarah who lived just down the block. I had won my very 1st belt buckle on my own horse, Tory (who I received as a 7th birthday present) just 2 years prior. It was this summer that I broke my arm and have to have pins pit in to hold it back together. I was still living with my mom at Lila's house. I would spend Tuesday nights (known as 'Taco Tuesday') with my Dad & step mom as well as Saturday nights and then attend church with them on Sundays. I am not sure what year I was baptised, but I believe it was around this time.
1992 I graduated from 8th grade this year and began high school. I started taking tennis lessons that summer and miraculously made the team and was voted 'most improved' by my team at the end of the season. This is the year I began going to church with my friend Sarah in Huntington Beach and began making Christian friends and got really involved in the youth group. It's also probably around this time that I met Debbee, Dave's sister who was best friends with Sarah's sister. I was showing horses very heavily around the state in several different events on several different horses. This is the 1st year I was the junior member of the winning team for the Cue Stick Memorial Award in trail.
2003 Now in my 3rd year of marriage and living in our 1st house in Aliso Viejo. It was this year that I left my 1st real HR job as HR Coordinator for Johnny Rockets to accept at position of HR Representative at my current company. Dave and I took at road trip to visit my grandma in Pasyon, AZ and then drove back via Las Vegas in February. We vacationed on Grand Cayman for a week in September (still noted as one of our favorite vacations). I was a bridesmaid in my friend Lyndsay's wedding in November. I think it was also in 2003 that South County United began, which was a life changing mile marker in our walks with Christ.
2005 In 2004 we moved out of out house in Aliso Viejo and rented it out while we moved to a new home in Rancho Santa Margarita, where we became the Community Pastors for our new Community Group. In January of 2005 we went to our 1st Pastors' Retreat in Tahoe. To celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary, Dave and I spend a long weekend in Las Vegas (a special location for us since that is where we got engaged). But, our big vacation of the year was in Puerto Vallarta with our dear friends, Mike & Karen. During this year our cousin Derek lived with us for several months. We also purchased a Breezy this year! Actually, I started my blog in 2004 so you can check out more details for the year right here!
Thanks, Ellen. That was fun.
1981 I was 4 years old. My parent were recently divorced. My mom & I were living with a friend she worked with, Lila. Lila owned a horse and would let me ride with her in front of the saddle. I even got to show in little local show while she lead the horse around. My grandma even made me little western outfits to show in that I still have. One might think that it was from Lila that my love of horses was seeded, however some how I was already enthralled with them before meeting her.
1989 Now 12 years old and in the 5th and 6th grades. I remember really liking the 5th grade. I had a great group of friends. My best friend was Sarah who lived just down the block. I had won my very 1st belt buckle on my own horse, Tory (who I received as a 7th birthday present) just 2 years prior. It was this summer that I broke my arm and have to have pins pit in to hold it back together. I was still living with my mom at Lila's house. I would spend Tuesday nights (known as 'Taco Tuesday') with my Dad & step mom as well as Saturday nights and then attend church with them on Sundays. I am not sure what year I was baptised, but I believe it was around this time.
1992 I graduated from 8th grade this year and began high school. I started taking tennis lessons that summer and miraculously made the team and was voted 'most improved' by my team at the end of the season. This is the year I began going to church with my friend Sarah in Huntington Beach and began making Christian friends and got really involved in the youth group. It's also probably around this time that I met Debbee, Dave's sister who was best friends with Sarah's sister. I was showing horses very heavily around the state in several different events on several different horses. This is the 1st year I was the junior member of the winning team for the Cue Stick Memorial Award in trail.
2003 Now in my 3rd year of marriage and living in our 1st house in Aliso Viejo. It was this year that I left my 1st real HR job as HR Coordinator for Johnny Rockets to accept at position of HR Representative at my current company. Dave and I took at road trip to visit my grandma in Pasyon, AZ and then drove back via Las Vegas in February. We vacationed on Grand Cayman for a week in September (still noted as one of our favorite vacations). I was a bridesmaid in my friend Lyndsay's wedding in November. I think it was also in 2003 that South County United began, which was a life changing mile marker in our walks with Christ.
2005 In 2004 we moved out of out house in Aliso Viejo and rented it out while we moved to a new home in Rancho Santa Margarita, where we became the Community Pastors for our new Community Group. In January of 2005 we went to our 1st Pastors' Retreat in Tahoe. To celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary, Dave and I spend a long weekend in Las Vegas (a special location for us since that is where we got engaged). But, our big vacation of the year was in Puerto Vallarta with our dear friends, Mike & Karen. During this year our cousin Derek lived with us for several months. We also purchased a Breezy this year! Actually, I started my blog in 2004 so you can check out more details for the year right here!
Thanks, Ellen. That was fun.
What's in a name?
My dear Aunt Lana has tagged me on this on:
1. You have to post these rules before you give the facts.
2. Players, you must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of your middle name. If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had.
3. When you are tagged you need to write your own blog-post containing your own middle name game facts.
4. At the end of your blog-post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
My middle name is Michele. Yes, with one "l". According to my mom, who is not a particularly good spell anyways, after 36 hours of labor ending in a c-section she simply misspelled it on my birthcertificate. Opps. But, actually I really like it this way. It's different and it gave me 7 letters in my 1st, middle and last names growing up (before my husband ruened it with a 5 letter last name, that is). :-)
M - M - sorry Lana, I'm stumped. Can anyone help my out with this one?
I - Intuitive - I oftern get intuitions about people and their motivations
C - Christ-follower - Jesus Christ is my Lord & Savior
H - Honest - Honesty is a value that I hold very highly
E - Enthusiastic - I think this is how my friends and co-workers would describe me
L - Loving - this one my husband helped me with; in his words "non-waivering and deep"
E - Equestrian - I have been riding since I was 2 and it is certianly more of a passion for me then just a hobby.
Thanks, Lana :-)
1. You have to post these rules before you give the facts.
2. Players, you must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of your middle name. If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had.
3. When you are tagged you need to write your own blog-post containing your own middle name game facts.
4. At the end of your blog-post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
My middle name is Michele. Yes, with one "l". According to my mom, who is not a particularly good spell anyways, after 36 hours of labor ending in a c-section she simply misspelled it on my birthcertificate. Opps. But, actually I really like it this way. It's different and it gave me 7 letters in my 1st, middle and last names growing up (before my husband ruened it with a 5 letter last name, that is). :-)
M - M - sorry Lana, I'm stumped. Can anyone help my out with this one?
I - Intuitive - I oftern get intuitions about people and their motivations
C - Christ-follower - Jesus Christ is my Lord & Savior
H - Honest - Honesty is a value that I hold very highly
E - Enthusiastic - I think this is how my friends and co-workers would describe me
L - Loving - this one my husband helped me with; in his words "non-waivering and deep"
E - Equestrian - I have been riding since I was 2 and it is certianly more of a passion for me then just a hobby.
Thanks, Lana :-)
Monday, August 20, 2007
Friday, August 17, 2007
Mexican Vacation 2007
The 1st week of our vacation was spent at Club Cascadas in Cabo San Lucas. The we was most spent lounging, eating, swimming in our private pool on our balcony, reading, playing Phase 10, and just enjoying each other and our surroundings.
our ceiling

my foot during a early morning walk on the beach

We got so spend about 45 mins in the water with Frita rubbing her, dancing with her, shaking 'hands' with her, kissing her, having her kiss us and she even took us each for a ride!

The 2nd week was spend on the Mayan Riviera near Cancun. We stayed at the all inclusive Aventura Spa Palace. It was fantastic!!!!

view from our balcony
our ceiling
golfing at Cabo Real
my foot during a early morning walk on the beach
at the Cabo Dolphin park
the dolphin's name is Frita
We got so spend about 45 mins in the water with Frita rubbing her, dancing with her, shaking 'hands' with her, kissing her, having her kiss us and she even took us each for a ride!
our last meal in Cabo at The Trailer Park
The 2nd week was spend on the Mayan Riviera near Cancun. We stayed at the all inclusive Aventura Spa Palace. It was fantastic!!!!
in the north lobby
snorkeling in the lagoon at the resort
an iguana we passed on our way to our room

enjoying one of many wonderful meals at the resort

Dave conquering the jungle obstacle course
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